Top Floor, Loy Buildings, 18 - 24 Loy Street, Cookstown, Co. Tyrone, BT80 8PE

028 8676 9994

Gold Sure Start

Welcome to Our Website!

Breastfeeding Support Group


Come along to our friendly support group run by our G-old Community Partnership Surestart's Staff

Everyone is welcome both antenatal  and postnatal. 


Breastfeeding Support Group



every Monday from 10am - 12 noon

in the Baptist Church Hall, Magherafelt


every Wednesday  from 10am - 12 noon

 at Loy Buildings, Cookstown. 




Regular topics of conversation include:

  • Breastfeeding problems
  • Sleep deprivation
  • Colicky babies
  • Weaning

We provide:

  • A listening ear
  • Lovely refreshments
  • Time to laugh or cry
  • Support from other parents



 Breastfeeding Peer Support


Mid Ulster Mums Breastfeeding Peer Support was established in 2007 in response for the need for mother to mother breastfeeding support in the community. 

Peer Support mothers have personal breastfeeding experience and have completed an extensive breastfeeding OCN accredited training course, approved by UNICEF's Baby Friendly Initiative  and Public Health Agency and are registered as Barnardo's volunteers.  All the peer support mums are enthusiastic about breastfeeding and are friendly and would like to help any breastfeeding mothers or pregnant women intending to breastfeed.

Recently, we have developed our service to endeavour to make contact with all breastfeeding mothers within 48 hours of hospital discharge.  We deliver this service by working in partnership with the Community midwifery and Health Visiting Teams.


How we can help...

  • Talk to you about breastfeeding before or after you have your baby
  • Give you a phone call to support you during your breastfeeding journey
  • Meet you at the breastfeeding support groups
  • Tell you about our service at health information fairs
  • Meet parents to be at the Bumps to Babies evenings and Infant Feeding workshops

If you would like to get in touch with Breastfeeding Peer Supporter go to MUMs website for more information.



Other links to Breastfeeding: 

Breastfeed Babies